The Full Moon photographed with a Pentax DSLR camera body plus a Sigma f2.8 300mm lens. Details of the surface are not the best when the moon is at this phase. It is an easy object to start your astronomy photography with.
First quarter 7 day Moon on 22 February 2018. Celestron 8 inch Edge HD SCT telescope Pentax K1 full frame DSLR.
The Moon lit less than at full phase, giving much better crater detail.
A supermoon is a full moon and closer to the Earth in its elliptic orbit. The result ia a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk.
Moonlight, this picture was taken with the only light being from a full Moon. Pentax K5 + f1.4 50mm SMC PENTAX-M Lens Exposure 5sec @ f2.8 1600 ISO
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind Earth and into its shadow.These Images captured between 04:05 to 05:02 UTC on the morning of 21 January 2019.
Total Lunar Eclipse at 05:02 UTC21 January 2019. At total eclipse the only light comes through the earth's atmoshere resulting in a Blood Red Moon. Pentax K1 + Sigma 300mm f2.8 lens.
The full disc of the Sun taken with a homemade white light filter on a Russion TAL 100RS 4inch Refractor. Pentax K-5 DSLR body.
The sunspot group AR2 192 is the largest since 1990, it measures 129,000 kilometres across, 10 times the diameter of Earth. My image taken on Monday morning 27 October 2014. DSLR K-5 on TAL100rs + x2 Barlow lens.
Sunspot group AR2 192 in close-up. Special Astro webcam on TAL100rs + x2 Barlow lens.
When a Solar telescope is used the only lght reaching the camera sensor is the very nerrow band of the spctrum known as Hydrogen alpha. In H-alpha we are able to view the solar chromosphere, the very active surface of the Sun.
Solar prominences (known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk) can be seen as large, bright feature extending outward from the sun's surface.They extend outwards into the sun's hot outer atmosphere, called the corona.
Closer view of a large Prominence. Colour camera was used for this image.
Mercury in transit
Venus in solar transit
A total solar eclipse occurred on 11 August 1999. It was predicted it could be seen from the western end of Cornwall (from St Ives to Lizard). In London a partial 97% eclipse was seen through varying amounts of cloud. This projected image was photographed on Kodak print film.
Mercury and Venus in the evening sky at Regent's Park. Captured with a Lumix DMC-FZ200 Bridge camera
Venus in the daytime sky
Mars Date seen when it was at it's brightest. Photgraphed with a DSLR and a very long lens.
Mars imaged with a large telescope and a ZWO webcam.
Mars imaged with a large telescope and a ZWO webcam. This time it is showing more surface detail and the Polar cap.
Jupiter and the Galilean moons, the four largest. Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. They were first seen by Galileo Galilei in January 1610.
Jupiter with two moons and the great red spot on the planet.
Jupiter and one moon, it's shadow can be seen transiting across the planets disc.
Jupiter and two moons, the faint one on the right shows how far their orbits can extend.
Saturn in 2014 when it was high in the sky
An all sky view of the London taken from "The Hub" in Regent's Park. The Plough can be seen in lower part of the image.
The Plough again, this time with a telescope on a tracking mount. The exposure was long enough to capture the International space station moving through the field of view.
The Orion Nebula M42 (Messier 42) is one of the brightest nebulae in the Northern night sky. It is visible to the naked eye in a dark below the three stars of Orion's belt. It is at a distance: 1,344 light years from earth.
This image is the result of a two hour exposure using a wide angle lenson a DSLR on a fixed tripod. The efect is star trails as the earth moves under the fixed point stars.
M31 (Messier 31) the Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light-years) from Earth. This visible with binoculars in a good dark sky. This black and white image was taken with a full frame DSLR camera on a small telescope.
Comet Pan-STARRS C/2011 L4 seen in the right of this image.
Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy. Australian comet-hunter Terry Lovejoy found this comet observing from Queensland, before dawn on August 17 2014.
Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy. This inverted image shows the comet tail better than in the positve colour image.
Comet HaleāBopp (C/1995 O1) was the most widely observed of the 20th century, one of the brightest seen for many years. It is still the brightest one I have seen. It is estimated to return to our skies in the year 4385. The comet graced our winter evening skies of 1997. I took this image with an SLR camera on Kodak Professional T-MAX Film (3200 ISO).